Types of Certifications

Levels of Professional Certification:

 Radon Measurement Professional

 Radon Mitigation Professional

 Radon Analytical Laboratory

 Radon Trainer

Readily Remediated New Construction Installer (RRNC Installer)

Radon Measurement Professional – A professional who deploys and retrieves radon detectors in buildings and provides a client with a report of the associated measurement results which are generated by a Radon Analytical Laboratory.

Radon Mitigation Professional – A professional who interprets radon test results, and determines the most effective way to manage radon concentrations within buildings. This could include the requirement of further diagnostic testing, the design and/or installation of radon mitigation systems.

Radon Analytical Laboratory – A laboratory/organization that can analyze radon detection devices

Radon Trainer – A professional who provides training for certification in Radon Measurement and/or Radon Mitigation

Readily Remediated New Construction(RRNC) Installer – is a professional who is trained in installation of a system designed for a new home as per local new construction codes but not fully trained in Radon Mitigation for retrofitting