Continuing Education Course List

Many courses are available as On-Line (Home Study) course work,
For more information on a C-NRPP course or trainer please email

C-NRPP Developed Courses: (click image to access)

Note: access to these courses is still under development email: if you encounter any problems.

Course Title: Conducting Radon Surveys in Schools & Large Buildings - Online Course
Course ID#: CNRPP-1008  

Course Description: This course, approved by the C-NRPP for 4 educational CE credits, expands the radon measurement professional's skills beyond testing residential structures to be able to take advantage of the expanding market of conducting surveys in large buildings such as schools and apartment buildings. Testing large buildings entails a lot more than taking using more test devices. It is necessary to be able to convey to the client why multiple locations need to be tested; be able to implement communication plans for occupants; and to understand special approaches to interpreting results to provide the best value to the client while shielding you from downstream liabilities. This course, recorded at a live classroom session at the National Radon Conference in Vancouver in April, 2015 deals with all of these issues and more. It also provides sample notices, log sheets and other tools you will need to fully implement a large survey. You will be able to watch and listen to the lecture as well as benefit from the poignant questions posed by the live audience, consisting of radon professionals just like you.

Provided by CRNTC/CERTI

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 4

Course Title: Radon: Train the Speaker Canada
Course ID#: CNRPP-1009  

Course Description: This four hour continuing education course as approved by the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program will assist the radon professional in delivering meaningful presentations to homeowners, real estate professionals, home builders, lenders — you name it. Getting out and providing short presentations on radon is a great way to increase public awareness and a great way to present yourself as a radon professional to potential clients. However, there are some pitfalls that you can easily fall into, which is why this course can help you. With this course being recorded at the April 2015 National Radon Conference in Vancouver you will benefit from techniques that have proven successful by the instructor as well as interaction with radon professionals who participated in the session. You will learn some effective techniques, and will be provided with a set of PowerPoint slides which you can use as a foundation when delivering your programs.

Provided by CERTI/CNRTC

Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 4

Course Title: Addressing Radon Decay Products - Another Tool in the Toolbox
Course ID#: CNRPP-1011  

Course Description: Addressing Radon Decay Products - Another Tool in the Toolbox It is well known that the mechanism by which radon exposure increases the potential of lung cancer is alpha release from the short-lived decay products of radon that can enter the lungs during respiration. It is also well known, or at least included in the in entry level exams, that the amount of these decay products available for respiration can vary due to air circulation rates, particulate levels, etc. (aka the equilibrium factor). This course will explore from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured as well as how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels.

Provided by CNRTC/CERTI

Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Advance Diagnostics - Focus on Pressures and Airflow
Course ID#: CNRPP-1017  

Course Description: This is an in person course.

Provided by Colin Dumais

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Health Canada's Sub-Slab Depressurization Design process
Course ID#: CNRPP-1021  

Course Description: This course will walk you through the design process for sub-slab depressurization as detailed in Health Canada's Reducing Radon Levels in Existing Homes: A Canadian Guide for Professional Contractors.

Provided by CNRTC

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Sub-Membrane Installation From Start To Finish
Course ID#: CNRPP-1022  

Course Description: Sub-Membrane Installation From Start To Finish

Provided by CNRTC

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Radon Sniffers
Course ID#: CNRPP-1023  

Course Description: This course reviewed current sniffers available and discussed use and purpose for using them, as well as some best practices on how to use the sniffer devices.

Provided by CNRTC and CARST

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 1

Course Title: Mitigator Round table - CARST2022
Course ID#: CNRPP-1024  

Course Description: Roundtable description: A roundtable is a facilitated discussion that gives each participant the maximum amount of group input on a given subject of common interest in a short amount of time. You can find solutions to problems in your business that others have solved and hear about problems you haven’t faced yet but likely will in the future.

Provided by CNRTC and CARST

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Communication testing using Fantech's Pressure Field Extension Depressurization Kit
Course ID#: CNRPP-1025  

Course Description:

Provided by CNRTC

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Expert Tricks for perfect piping everytime
Course ID#: CNRPP-1026  

Course Description: Colin will walk through how to install a perfect piping system for every mitigation. He will walk through tricks to help you make sure your mitigation system looks professional and help you save money.

Provided by CNRTC

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: La dépressurisation
Course ID#: CNRPP-1028  

Course Description: vidéo sur demande Inscrivez-vous au cours et vous recevrez un courriel avec un lien vers la vidéo enregistrée et un lien vers un quiz pour votre certificat de cours. 2 heures de crédits de formation continue Formateur: Marcel Brascoupé Plongez plus profondément dans la dépressurisation; comment cela peut arriver, comment s'en prémunir et vos responsabilités en tant que professionnel du radon. Enregistré le 30 avril 2021 pendant le congrès ACSTR 2021.

Provided by CARST/ACSTR

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: les évents passifs
Course ID#: CNRPP-1029  

Course Description: vidéo sur demande Inscrivez-vous au cours et vous recevrez un courriel avec un lien vers la vidéo enregistrée et un lien vers un quiz pour votre certificat de cours. 2 heures de crédits de formation continue Formateur: Marcel Brascoupe Enregistré le 23 avril 2022 pendant le congrès ACSTR 2022.

Provided by CARST/ACSTR

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Kit diagnostique PFEDK
Course ID#: CNRPP-1030  

Course Description: vidéo sur demande Inscrivez-vous au cours et vous recevrez un courriel avec un lien vers la vidéo enregistrée et un lien vers un quiz pour votre certificat de cours. 2 heures de crédits de formation continue Formateur: Marcel Brascoupe Enregistré le 23 avril 2022 pendant le congrès ACSTR 2022.

Provided by CARST/ACSTR

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Tests de Communication pour La Conception d'un système d'Atténuation du Radon
Course ID#: CNRPP-1031  

Course Description: vidéo sur demande Inscrivez-vous au cours et vous recevrez un courriel avec un lien vers la vidéo enregistrée et un lien vers un quiz pour votre certificat de cours. 2 heures de crédits de formation continue Formateur: Marcel Brascoupe Enregistré le 23 avril 2022 pendant le congrès ACSTR 2022.

Provided by CARST/ACSTR

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Deep Dive into New Construction and Radon Mitigation
Course ID#: CNRPP-1032  

Course Description: Register for the course and you will receive an email with a link to the recorded video and a link to a quiz for your course completion certificate. Presenter: Colin Dumais This course is worth 2 credit hours of C-NRPP approved credits. This course will dig a little deeper into the CAN/CGSB-149.11-2019 Radon control options for new construction in low-rise residential buildings. In addition, Colin will discuss some practical considerations when encountering buildings with existing rough-ins and finishing off the mitigation systems including tricks on how to adjust to the conditions found. Recorded as part of the CARST2021 Online Conference.

Provided by Colin Dumais (CNRTC)

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: A Review of Radiation Biology
Course ID#: CNRPP-1033  

Course Description:

Provided by Joseph Hayward

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Commercial Building Workshop
Course ID#: CNRPP-1035  

Course Description:

Provided by Colin Dumais

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: C-NRPP Code of Ethics
Course ID#: CNRPP-1037  

Course Description: Presenters: Pam Warkentin, Erin Curry This course is worth 1 credit hour of C-NRPP approved credits and is mandatory for renewals and new applications. This course provides an overview of C-NRPP Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Policy. Pam and Erin will discuss the reasoning behind professional standards and some practical considerations when encountering difficult situations. They will also describe C-NRPP's method of discipline if professionals are not conforming to code of conduct/ethics.

Provided by Pam Warkentin & Erin Curry

Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 1

Course Title: C-NRPP Protocol for Conducting Short-Term Radon Measurements in Air
Course ID#: CNRPP-1038  

Course Description:

Provided by Pam Warkentin & Erin Curry

Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Home Study
C.E. Credits: 1

Course Title: CARST Guideline for Conducting a Radon Screening Assessment as Part of a Real Estate Transaction of a Residential Dwelling in Canada
Course ID#: CNRPP-1039  

Course Description:

Provided by Pam Warkentin & Erin Curry

Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Home Study
C.E. Credits: 1

Course Title: Quality Control for Radon Measurements
Course ID#: CNRPP-1040  

Course Description: This course equips radon measurement professionals with the essential skills and knowledge to ensure accurate and consistent results in their practice. It covers key elements of the C-NRPP quality control manual and requirements. Topics include uncertainties in measurement, the statistics of measurement including the role of calibration, duplicates, blanks and spikes. Participants will understand the difference between accuracy and precision and be able to explain the lower limit of detection. Upon completion, students will be able to create control charts and manage the QC elements of their radon program.

Provided by Jason Sadowski

Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Home Study
C.E. Credits: 2

Course Title: Controler le radon dans les nouvelles constructions au Canada (CRNCC)
Course ID#: CNRPP-EL-8   (Entry-Level approved)

Course Description:

Provided by Marcel Brascoupe

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 4

Course Title: Controling Radon in New Canadian Homes (CRNCH) - Mr. Radon
Course ID#: CNRPP-EL-9   (Entry-Level approved)

Course Description: This course will provide instruction for building professionals best building practices, and Building Code compliance as it relates to radon. • Understand what radon is and the health effects of radon • Know how radon enters a building and factors affecting concentration levels • Be familiar with the different radon reduction techniques (mitigation) • Receive our official Certificate of Completion • Be prepared and eligible to sit the C-NRPP Radon CRNCH Certification Exam For those who are already certified for Measurement and/or Mitigation, you can use this both for a Continuing Education Course credits and to add CRNCH as a certification. NOTE: This will not provide you certification for full mitigation installation.

Provided by Bob Wood

Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom & Home Study
C.E. Credits: 4