Find a Professional

 C-NRPP Certified professionals are certified to work in every province and territory in Canada.  Please ask the Professional if you have questions about their service area.

Over 3000 Canadians die a year from radon induced lung cancer. A C-NRPP Professional will help you lower your radon levels and protect your family.

To locate a radon professional in your area, please select a search method below and provide the necessary search terms.

Want to schedule a Radon Course in your area?    For a list of Certified Radon Trainers, click here.

Interested in becoming certified?  Check out how to become certified here.

If you are looking to verify a radon test is on the C-NRPP list, you can find it online here.


Radon Measurement Professional – A professional who deploys and retrieves radon detectors and provides a report of the associated measurement results which are generated by a Radon Analytical Laboratory

Radon Mitigation Professional – A professional who interprets radon test results, and determines the most effective way to manage radon concentrations within buildings. This could include the requirement of further diagnostic testing, the design and/or installation of radon mitigation systems

Radon Analytical Laboratory – A laboratory/organization that can analyze radon detection devices

Radon Trainer – A professional who provides training for certification in Radon Measurement and/or Radon Mitigation (list will be posted soon!)

Controlling Radon in New Canadian Homes (CRNCH) Installer – works in residential dwellings and is knowledgeable about radon and proper installation of new building code requirements with respect to radon.