Resources for Professionals

C-NRPP is working to develop tools to assist you. Most of our tools are available in English and French, to help you reach a wider audience.

Child Care Resources:
- Working Together to Prevent Lung Cancers - a guide for Child Care Centres
- Information Postcard for Parents
- Information Poster for Childcare Centre - radon testing in progress

- Travailler ensemble pour prévenir le cancer du poumon – pour les garderies
- poster
Workplace Resources:
- Working Together to Prevent Lung Cancer - a guide for workplaces
- Protect Your Workplace from Radon
- 1 Page Placement information sheet
- Workplaces and Radon -What's next after you receive your results

- Workplaces and Radon
- Workplaces and Radon - 1 placement guide
Mitigation Postcard:
-Do you have high radon?

-une concentration de radon élevée?
-Radon: A Radioactive gas that
can seep into your home

-Protect your family from deadly radon

-Protégez votre famille du radon, un gaz mortel

Are you building a new home?

Guidelines for Certified Professionals (Measurement)

Health Canada DocumentsHealth Canada's Guide for Radon Measurements in Residential Buildings

Health Canada's Guide for Radon Measurements in Public Buildings

Health Canada's Reducing Radon Levels in Existing Homes: A Canadian Guide for Professional Contractors
CARST/C-NRPP DocumentsC-NRPP Protocol for Conducting Short-Term Radon Measurements in Air

CARST's Guideline for Conducting a Radon Screening Assessment as part of a Real Estate Transaction

C-NRPP Code of Ethics
Quality Assurance GuidanceC-NRPP Quality Control and Quality Assurance Manual for Radon Sampling and Analysis conducted by Radon Measurement Professionals and Laboratories

C-NRPP Control Charts Templates Electret Ion Devices Dec 2018

C-NRPP-Control-Charts-Templates-for-Passive Device Users Dec 2018

C-NRPP-Control-Charts-Templates-for-Analysis of Passive Devices Dec 2018

CNRPP Control Charts Templates CRMs Dec 2018

Chart of Quality Control Minimum Requirements
C-NRPP-Device Listing PolicyC-NRPP-Device-Listing-Policy

Guidelines for Certified Professionals (Mitigation)

Health Canada GuidelineHealth Canada's Reducing Radon Levels in Existing Homes: A Canadian Guide for Professional Contractors
CGSB StandardsNational Standard of Canada: Radon Mitigation options for existing low-rise residential buildings:
Radon control options for new construction in low-rise residential buildings P29-149-011-2024-eng
C-NRPP Mandatory Insurance
Radon Exposure Calculator - sample
Mitigation Mentorship Kit
C-NRPP Mitigation Labels Request C-NRPP Mitigation Labels

C-NRPP Technical Bulletins

C-NRPP Fan Specification Review - EnglishC-NRPP Fan Specification Review
C-NRPP Technical Bulletins - EnglishMeasurement - Decision to Mitigate
Mitigation - Homeowner Reference Side wall discharge
Radon and HRVs
C-NRPP Understanding Energy Use of a Radon Mitigation Fan
Radon and New Construction
Radon and New Construction
C-NRPP Technical Bulletins - FrenchBulletin technique PNCR-C La décision d’atténuer
Comment puis-je savoir que le système d’atténuation du radon de mon voisin n’affecte pas les concentrations de radon à l’intérieur de ma maison 
Comprendre la consommation d'énergie d'un VENTILATEUR D'ATTÉNUATION DU RADON
Si ma maison possède un système VRC/VRE, dois-je quand même effectuer un dépistage de radon?

  • Sample Radon PowerPoint Presentation is available upon request.  Email –
  • C-NRPP Full size or Mini-Banner are also available for borrow.  Email –
  • Sample mitigation contract. Email –
  • You may also want to check our CARST’s Resources for Members and CARST’s Resources for Real Estate Agents

    You may also want to take the CNRTC CE course on Train the Speaker.

    Maintaining your Certification:

    C-NRPP Wear

    Wear your C-NRPP logo proudly.  Shipping extra. Email to order.

    • T-Shirt $20  (comes in sizes Small to xxL)
    • Hat $20 (one size)
    • Toque $20 (one size)
    • Hoodie $50 (comes in sizes Small to xxL)